McInnis Minute

Keeping all up to date on all things Ben & Becca and Caeden!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

"Here I raise my Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I'm come"

While driving home this morning I was listening to Derek Webb and the song that Becca and I danced to for our first dance (Better Than Wine) came on and it made me think about this past year and five months that we've been married. To start I am incredibly thankful for my wife. There are so many ways that she has blessed me. She is beautiful and there is no one else in the world I would rather spend time with. I enjoy every moment I get to spend with her. I know that this is a gift from the Lord. Only He can take two people that are so different and make them one. And He continues to make us more and more similar everyday- from mannerisms to thought processes... it's amazing how He works. And more than that it's amazing how much the Lord has provided for us. Every time that we worry the Lord delivers. With our baby boy on the way it's easy to worry and think that the Lord won't provide. So I thought I would list the ways that God has provided for us in the last year and five months of marriage in order to encourage you and to inspire faith in our hearts:

He provided us with a place to live (with room to share), an incredible church where we have grown more in our faith than we thought possible, funding for Becca's finished degree, anonymous donations to help Ben go to school last spring, a randomly found engagement ring (not Becca's and not claimed by anyone) to pawn for much needed money, school books to sell and earn exactly the amount we needed for a bill, a "homeless" single friend and couple friends to share our home with for a time, a car bought for a dollar, a full time job at Ravenscroft with benefits for Ben, Becca's full time job she got without an interview that will allow us to save much needed money for the baby, literally years of clothes and a place to sleep for our baby boy, our wonderful families that encourage us every time we talk to them, free "new to us" couches, the grace to love each other and overlook offenses, great friends that encourage our faith, our community group full of friends that are as close as our family, an uneventful pregnancy (so far), the ability to serve each other even when we don't want to, life and breath and everything.

The Lord has been seriously good. There is nothing that we have that has not come from His hand! We are so thankful and looking back at His goodness and His provision convinces me more and more that He will continue to provide for us in all ways. Even though we still have many questions about our provision for the future we know that God will provide as He has over the past year and a five months. He will continue to work all things together for good- to make us more like His Son!

"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." ~Acts 17:25


Blogger Kelly said...

good news! Ben I'm glad to hear about your job and money for school. How did it all work out?

June 2, 2007 at 4:39 PM  
Blogger JoshandGrace said...

We are so encouraged by your story! May we continue to remind eachother of God's faithfulness in our lives! We love you guys!

June 3, 2007 at 5:04 PM  

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