McInnis Minute

Keeping all up to date on all things Ben & Becca and Caeden!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Things are Changing

Well, it has been while since the last post, but it has seemed like such a short time! Things are busy and seem to be getting busier as the new school year approaches. The weather is stiffling with no sign of letting up. With only 2 weeks left before Ben has to begin regular work again, it hit me that summer is almost at an end! When you are little, time seems to drag, day by day, hour by hour, it seems that time couldn't get any slower; and now it is as though each day that goes by is gone before I even realize it was there! I am 32 weeks pregnant this week and it is astounding that it has been so long since we first found out we were having a baby, and yet as it grows hotter I find myself counting down the days until our precious little boy is safe to come into the world. It is hard to just sit back and enjoy this time when there is so much that needs to be done before our little boy gets here! Our friends Temarie and James just moved out last weekend and we officially can begin setting up our nursery, which is so exciting and a bit daunting at the same time. While we don't have nearly everything that we need, we do have quite a bit of clothing that needs sorting, a crib that needs putting together and on top of that a closet that was previously filled with my clothing that needs to fit his! The amount of new items that are needed for a baby is overwhelming and how we are going to fit everything into our small apartment is even more challenging! It will, however, be a great opportunity to de-clutter our lives and our apartment. And I am sure that my parents, whose guest room has been our make-shift baby storage room, will be glad to have that room of their house back once we bring everything over to our place! I am thankful that they have been willing to store our things while we did not have room for them, I am also so thankful that I have a couple dear friends that have offered to help me organize the baby things once we get further along in getting the nursery set up. The Lord has been providing in many ways and it is evident in our lives every day. I pray that as we draw closer to the delivery, we continue to rely on Him for guidance and trust that everything is in His plan and we have no need to be anxious (as I so often am).


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